How to finish in front of slimline damp proofing mesh membrane

Damp Proofing Mesh Membrane Installed

We often take calls on the best method to finish off in front of a damp proofing mesh membrane over a new damp proof course.

There are two methods available; to render or dot and dab plasterboard.

Where damp plaster has been removed to a given height the choice of finish will be determined by the thickness of the existing plaster in so much as if it is thin, you will be left with little option other then to render to the membrane to match as best as possible the thickness of the existing plaster.

Where a thickness of existing plaster of around 25mm exists then in our opinion, the most efficient and beneficial method is to dot and dab plasterboard.

Where a job involves removing plaster to full ceiling height then again, in our opinion, we believe a dot and dab finish is the way to go.

The benefits to a dot and dab finish are as follows:

Fewer plug fixings are needed to fix the membrane to the wall. Centres for fixings are acceptable at every 300mm whereas if you render this should be reduced to centres at 250mm. Where brick and mortar is in poor condition you will be thankful for having to secure fewer plug fixings saving on a lot of time spent drilling.

While the membrane does need to be tight to the wall its not critical in a dot and dab finish whereas in rendering it is in order to avoid cracking to the render.

The plasterboard will provide a warmer surface which is beneficial especially in tenanted properties where condensation can be an issue due to a lack of ventilation.

Finally, once the skim has dried out in a matter of just a few days you can proceed with decorating providing a decorated finish much sooner than a rendered finish.


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