DryFix Masonry Water Repellent Cream

DryFix Water Repellent Masonry Cream

DRYFIX 5&10DryFix Masonry Water Repellent Cream

We are delighted to introduce our own brand of high quality silicone siloxane masonry water repellent brick sealer cream

The benefits of a cream version of masonry water repellent over a water based product is as follows:

Deeper penetration into the surface than a water based version.

Offers a longer lifetime performance of between 15 – 20 years.

Offers improved thermal performance.

Only requires one coat even in challenging locations.

Dryfix Masonry Water Repellent Masonry Cream offers high active ingredients ensuring lasting results. Rain resistance is achieved within an hour of curing.

We recommend application is carried out with a masonry brush or block brush. This helps to achieve the best coverage rate and minimises waste. It should also help to minimise splashing. If windows do receive a splash of cream they should be cleaned straight away.

Large areas can be rollered with a suitable long pile roller.

Our product is breathable! We suggest the surface is dry before application and new mortar has suitably cured before application but if there is some residual dampness this will dry down.

Thoroughly prepare the surface before applying the masonry cream, remove any dirt, dust, grease, etc. If Alage, moss and lichen is present this can be removed with our Algae remover

Weak mortar should be removed and re-pointed as necessary before applying.

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